Welcome Back to School, IB Matadors!

Welcome Back to School, IB Matadors!

Welcome to the 21-22 school year here at Mira Loma High School! We are the International Baccalaureate Parent Organization (IBPO) and we’re here to support your students, their families, and the staff.

We hope you’re enjoying our newly launched website, which will work as an informational resource for you.

The IBPO’s ability to accomplish all we have on our plate, including special events, academic club support, IB special programs, scholarships, and other amazing opportunities, is dependent on two things: Parent Volunteers and generous donations!

We have a new group of board officers this year, however, the IBPO has a great need of parent volunteers for various committees or just to help out when needed!

This past school year saw a lot of cancelled events, distance learning, and exhausted families. Now that we’re heading back to in-person teaching and a lot of planned activities and events, consider becoming part of an amazing organization. Check out our volunteer opportunities and join us for our first meeting, via zoom, on Wednesday, August 18th.

The IBPO will be at Schedule Pick-up, August 3-5 in the large gym. Come by and say hello to Christan Chittenden (IBPO President), Suneetha Kosaraju (IBPO VP of Development), and Jennifer Zook Lewis (IBPO Secretary). We’d love to connect or reconnect!

Wishing you an AMAZING school year!

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